What is ethno-etiology?

All people try to understand the cause of illness and disease. The cross-cultural study of specific causal explanations for health-related problems is called ethno-etiology.

What is ethno-etiology quizlet?

ethno-etiology. a culturally specific casual explanation for health problems and suffering. structural suffering. human health problems caused by such economic and political factors as war, famine, terrorism, forced migration, and poverty. community healing.

What is magic called in China?

Illicit magical practices fell under the category of the “arts of Mara” (moshu ), Mara being the tempter and chief of malevolent demons. Moshu parallels other Chinese terms such as “shamanic arts” (wushu ) and “way of the left” in referring to the forms of magic prohibited by the orthodox church (and the government).

What is meant by the term disease of development?

The term “developmental disorder” or “developmental disability” means a severe, chronic disability of an individual that: is attributable to a mental or physical impairment, or combination of mental and physical impairment.

What is a personalistic disease?

A personalistic medical system is one in which disease is explained as due to the actiue, purposeful intervention of an agent, who may be human (a witch or sorcerer), nonhuman (a ghost, an ancestor, an evil spirit), or Supernatural (a deity or other very powerful being).

How has the term Ethnomedicine changed over time quizlet?

How has the term “ethnomedicine” changed over time? -In the 1960s, the term referred to all non-Western forms of medicine; today it means the study of medicine in low-income countries. -In the 1960s, the term was synonymous with “primitive medicine”; today it means the study of cross-cultural health systems.

What does Wu Jen mean?

Wu jen (pronounced: /wuːdʒɛn/ woo-jen), also called wu-jen, were wielders of mysterious powers, similar to wizards. In T’u Lung, they were called Fang-hsiang Shih, which translated to “master of recipes”.