What is a good Midichlorian count?

On average, every human has about 1,500 Midi-chlorians per cell. To be recruited as a Jedi, one needs to have a Midi-chlorian count of around four times that amount, and the most powerful Jedi Knights in Star Wars canon will have around six to seven times that figure.

What does a high Midichlorian count mean?

Midi-chlorian counts were linked to potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to the much higher levels of Jedi. The highest known midi-chlorian count—over 20,000 per cell—belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians.

What was Windu’s Midichlorian count?

Jedi Masters typically have around 15,000 midi-chlorians per cell, and this is generally accepted as the max midi-chlorian level. Examples of such masters would be Count Dooku, who is estimated to have 14,000, and Mace Windu, who is estimated to have 16,000.

How many Midichlorians does Leia?

The Jedi however also have three outliers in that of Luke, Leia, and Cade Skywalker (23000/23000/21000 midi-chlorians respectively) all of which were children/descendants of Anakin Skywalker (the chosen one) and so genetically predisposed to having abnormally-high midi-chlorian counts for Jedi.

What is Ahsoka Tano’s Midichlorian count?

If I had to guess I would think she has around a 13k-14k midichlorian count. I say this because anakin describes her abilities as “advanced” at a young age and that she is young to be a padawan. By rebels she is rivaling Vader and I think would easily rival many Jedi masters of the prequel era by that time.

What is Darth Maul’s Midichlorian count?


Row Sith Sith Midichlorians
20 Darth Maul 12000
21 Asajj Ventress 11600
22 Desann 10900
23 Tavion Axmis 9500

What is Qui Gon Midichlorian count?

Analyzing the boy’s blood sample, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan learn he has a midi-chlorian count of more than 20,000, which is higher than even Yoda’s. Since 20,000 is a pretty big number and we already know that Yoda is a powerful Jedi from previous films, the audience can intuit that Anakin is one Force-sensitive tyke.

Did Padme have Midichlorians?

In the book, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, it was revealed that Padme had more midi-chlorians than Anakin during her pregnancy with Luke and Leia.

What is Asajj Ventress Midichlorian count?


Row Sith Jedi Midichlorians
20 Darth Maul 12500
21 Asajj Ventress 12200
22 Desann 12100
23 Tavion Axmis 11900

What was Darth Maul’s Midichlorian count?

What is a midi-chlorian count?

Essentially, the higher the midi-chlorian count, the more connected to the Force someone is – and so the more powerful they are. George Lucas had plans to explore the midi-chlorians a lot further. In fact, his defunct sequel trilogy was going to expand on another, related aspect of Star Wars lore – the Whills.

Does Midichlorian count limit the connection with the force?

Midichlorian count does not limit the connection you could have with the force, just how fast and easy you can use it. Technically someone with a 5000 count could reach the full potential of even Anakin Skywalker, only it would take a hell lot of time and training to achieve it.

Why was the midi-chlorian count important to the work of Pershing?

A donor with a high midi-chlorian count was essential to the work of Doctor Pershing. During the rise of the New Republic, a remnant of the Galactic Empire sought to acquire a Force-sensitive foundling known as Grogu. Doctor Pershing, a member of the remnant, extracted samples of Grogu’s blood which contained a high count of midi-chlorians.

How powerful is a person with 8 times the Midichlorian count?

That was with the same midichlorian count (27,000) as his father. A person with 8 times that many would be unimaginably powerful. The closest comparison would be that a celestial, the beings who allegedly designed the Galaxy.