Is it well-founded or well-founded?

If you say that a report, opinion, or feeling is well-founded, you mean that it is based on facts and can therefore be justified.

Is founded in correct?

Are the words “founding”/”founded” grammatically correct? Yes, founded is the past tense while founding is the gerund phrase or present participle of found (meaning ‘to establish’).

What is the definition of well-founded?

adjective. Britannica Dictionary definition of WELL–FOUNDED. [more well–founded; most well–founded] : based on good reasoning, information, or judgment. well-founded fears/advice.

What is an ill-formed sentence?

Complex Sentences with “ill-formed” A complex sentence with “ill-formed” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

What is ill-formed in C++?

An ill-formed program is a C++ program that is not well-formed; that is, a program not constructed according to the syntax rules, diagnosable semantic rules, and the one-definition rule.

How do you use well-founded in a sentence?

1. My suspicions proved to be well-founded. 2. He had to show that he had a well-founded fear of persecution on religious or political grounds to qualify as a refugee.

What is another word for well established?

What is another word for well-established?

entrenched fixed
prevalent well established
orthodox widespread
established normal
regular routine

Is it founded or found?

Founded is the past tense of the verb found. Found as verb also refers to establish something, basing something on an idea, feeling, basis. In this sense its past tense and past participle are founded and founded; and founds is the 3rd person present and founding is the present participle.

How do you use founded?

  1. The hospital was founded last year.
  2. When was the People’s Republic of China founded?
  3. The castle is founded on solid rock.
  4. The dynasty he founded ruled for 700 years.
  5. Marriage should be founded on love.
  6. The Romans founded a great city on the banks of this river.
  7. York was founded by the Romans in the year 71 AD.

What is undefined Behaviour in C++?

When we run a code, sometimes we see absurd results instead of expected output. So, in C/C++ programming, undefined behavior means when the program fails to compile, or it may execute incorrectly, either crashes or generates incorrect results, or when it may fortuitously do exactly what the programmer intended.

What is the dictionary definition of ill founded?

Define ill-founded. ill-founded synonyms, ill-founded pronunciation, ill-founded translation, English dictionary definition of ill-founded. adj. Having no factual basis. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

What is the meaning of ill-founded?

Ill-founded – definition of ill-founded by The Free Dictionary Define ill-founded. ill-founded synonyms, ill-founded pronunciation, ill-founded translation, English dictionary definition of ill-founded. adj. Having no factual basis.

Who was the founder of the Illuminati?

Dr. Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt, founded the secret society of the illuminati. For good or ill, the torrent of rebellion was suffered to break loose, and it soon engulfed a continent. Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

What is an ill-founded suspicion?

Something that is ill-founded is not based on any proper proof or evidence . Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded, can poison a marriage.